Sunday 28 September 2014


My hands tied behind my back
In padded walls, an abandoned shack
All my screams muffled down
As I'm left inside my dazing frown

Locked doors and windows all I see

As food and drink trickle to me
They whisper voices into me
We'll make you better just you see
They drag me fighting, through sterile walls
Wailing lady to me she calls
They'll make you better just you see
Soon you'll turn into me Her cackle's echo upon my ear
This is wrong, I shouldn't be here
I fight them hard with skin and bones
But they hold me down in hushed tones They strap me down in steel and leather
This smelly gas puts me under the weather
Iron rods against my head
Zap me hard, I think I'm dead But they hit me again, another time
This is worse than even dyin'
They say the procedure was success
I lay in tears, wet my dress

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