Friday, 19 July 2013


This is an article dedicated to the weird me.

Normally 5 would be considered as the centre or middle number from 1 to 10. I have found this a hard idea to accept. 5 just seems to be an impostor, masquerading itself as the balanced middle number. I have thought about this and the right contender to the throne appears to be 7. No other number seems to be proper to fill that role.

5 seems to be a very small number, and in a way bland or bitter, meek and misplaced. It doesn't seem to be the balancing number, I don't know why. But 7 on the other hand seems just perfect. It's not too big or too little. And it's not even, it's an odd number. It seems to perfectly stand in between 1 (or 0 for that matter) and 10, balancing out their weights. 

So, in my opinion 7 is the number that must be rightful middle number.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Perversity of Beauty

Note: Please understand that the blog entries do not intend to and cannot describe everyone in general. They are only indicative of certain trends and the entries are usually clear about what they seek to comment on. And in my opinion, I'd call this article juvenile, but something I still wanted to put out.

Beauty can hardly be construed as something that inheres completely in the object beheld, but it could completely be confined to the realm of perception itself. Beauty isn't just a simple perception or an amalgamation of thoughts, beauty is better described as an emotion. And that makes it all the more harder to give it a form and definition. But even if you can't see the wind blow, you can see the leaves rustle in it. And beauty is better judged by the mark it leaves on a man than on absolute terms.

And the perversity of beauty I speak of is less a perversity of the object but the perception attached to it and it's present incapacity for subtlety. and for depth. A story would illustrate the point well, though I don't remember the source.
In an art gallery a man was looking intently at a painting of a beautiful, young and incidentally naked woman. An old woman who passed it by remarked that it was a very vulgar thing to display to which the man coolly said, "The vulgarity of the painting, madam, is in your eyes".

Sunday, 7 July 2013


1984. If there is one book that could describe Orwell, it would most likely be this. A functional dystopia, and totalitarian power characterize this universe and makes one wonder if it would ever be sustainably possible, or what it would take to bring it about. This post would be a discussion on power and control.

"Freedom is Slavery" "War is Peace" "Ignorance is Strength". These are the three edicts which Orwell's paradise swears by. In the history of the world, power always displays a dual nature, of being a tangible and dense cloud and of an illusion that could be pierced by a sharp knife.

Power in the world has been won, by oppression, benevolence, a common love, a common hatred, and the list could go on. This is a prevalent expression, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely in such manner that great men are almost always bad men."  True, but not always. Power is more like a chastising fire. Not everyone can handle it without being burnt. And without a will to power or a will to control, a will to fight, a man or a nation is doomed to be tossed about and has written its  own epitaph.